To Parents/Guardians:
The Learning Cove (TLC) is a free tutoring program sponsored by Covenant Church and dedicated to helping 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students improve their reading skills. TLC is open to Tecumseh Public School students who qualify for free or reduced lunch (or whose family can demonstrate a financial need) and who are significantly behind in their reading skills.
Trained volunteer coaches are under the supervision of a professional reading specialist. The Learning Cove works closely with school reading specialists to tailor each reading plan. With your approval, we use information shared by your child’s school reading specialist, as well as our own reading skills assessments. An individual plan is then created to address the specific reading needs of your student.
The Learning Cove is housed at Patterson Intermediate Learning Center. Tutoring takes place after school on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons. We have arranged for Tecumseh Public School buses to transport students to The Learning Cove at Patterson on their assigned day. Students are provided with a snack and then spend an hour with their coach. Parents pick up students at 5:05.
We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity and enroll your child. The Learning Cove can only take a limited number of students, so children are enrolled on a first come, first served basis. It is important that you return the attached application to your child’s teacher or to the school’s reading specialist soon, to ensure enrollment.
After the application has been received, you and your child will be called, and invited to attend an orientation, at which time you will meet the reading specialist and visit the Learning Cove space. We look forward to meeting you!
For additional information, please contact:
Deb Phillips, Director
Lynn Raine, Reading Specialist
Kathy Smith, Program Coordinator